Did you grow up in the Military? Do you have trouble answering the question "where are you from?" "Every Brat Has a Story" has been the theme of the Military Brats Registry since 1997. Members have submitted hundreds of amazing stories about their unusual lifestyle as military dependents growing up around the world. This book is a compilation of many of those stories to further our goal of preserving the culture and history of "Miitary Brats" The Brat Store receives a commission from Amazon when you purchase through us.
For Stephen, his life on base is much the same as most other children’s. The difference is in the details. Look both ways before crossing a tank path and be sure to check if the spent bullet casings you find in the long-abandoned trenches are actually empty. Sports stop at the sound of the evening trumpet call as he and his friends stand at attention while the flag is retired. Quantico Cave is a story of friendship and competition, and when Stephen meets up with a friend he once knew at a previous home station, the contest hits a whole new level that places everyone at risk. The Brat Store receives a commission from Amazon when you purchase through us.