Military Brat News
Welcome to the Military Brats Regsitry News blog! Here you’ll find interesting stories about growing up military. We encourage you to send in your story so we can share it with the members of the largest website for Military Brats. Click on “Contact Us” to send your story.
What, like that’s a bad thing? Actually, it’s a great honor to be identified as a “Military Brat.” Throughout decades, millions of kids who grew up military have embraced the term with pride. While most people think “brat” equals “spoiled,” the dictionary defines brat as “a child of…” So, a Military Brat is a child of the military. The military likes to use acronyms to shorten everything, and some think that BRAT originally came from British Regiment Attached Traveler. However, the opposite is true and the British version was built on the word “brat”, not the other way around! Many acronyms have been used, such as: Born, Raised And Trained; Bold, Responsible, Adaptable, Tolerant. What acronym can you create?
Military Brats have been fortunate to experience world events first-hand. Some of those experiences were very scary, others were educational. The Military Brats Registry News Blog is here to tell your stories. Remember…
Every Brat Has a Story!

They Spoiled Us Rotten
They Spoiled Us Rotten From Naomi Mitchell Returning to the US from the Philippines aboard the troop transport in January 1947. What an adventure it was. My mom, sister, and I were [...]