Military Brat News
Welcome to the Military Brats Regsitry News blog! Here you’ll find interesting stories about growing up military. We encourage you to send in your story so we can share it with the members of the largest website for Military Brats. Click on “Contact Us” to send your story.
What, like that’s a bad thing? Actually, it’s a great honor to be identified as a “Military Brat.” Throughout decades, millions of kids who grew up military have embraced the term with pride. While most people think “brat” equals “spoiled,” the dictionary defines brat as “a child of…” So, a Military Brat is a child of the military. The military likes to use acronyms to shorten everything, and some think that BRAT originally came from British Regiment Attached Traveler. However, the opposite is true and the British version was built on the word “brat”, not the other way around! Many acronyms have been used, such as: Born, Raised And Trained; Bold, Responsible, Adaptable, Tolerant. What acronym can you create?
Military Brats have been fortunate to experience world events first-hand. Some of those experiences were very scary, others were educational. The Military Brats Registry News Blog is here to tell your stories. Remember…
Every Brat Has a Story!

Military Brat Life Was Unique
Military Brat Life Was Unique Pam Smith writes: I was born into the military at Ft. Jackson, SC and my dad retired just after my 15th birthday. I have often [...]
Every Brat Has a Story
Every Brat Has a Story From Marc Curtis, Creator of the Military Brats Registry "Every Brat has a Story" is more than just a cute catch-phrase for an event. It's a [...]
I Saw the Colonel Cry
I Saw the Colonel Cry From Anne Manning Booher, commenting on an article written July 18, 2000, in the Tampa Tribune, "A Defining Moment" about the fatal crash of a B-52 [...]
Envy Their Sedate Predictable Lives
Envy Their Sedate Predictable Lives From Jim Cunningham: We are nomads, and in the tradition of those wayward folks of the dark past, we tell stories. We have sparse common ground [...]
Larger Frame of Reference
Larger Frame of Reference From Jan Wertz: Dad was in the Air Force, so I grew up on a series of airbases: Ellsworth, Offutt, and High Wycombe Airstation in England. From [...]
Mildly Troublesome Officer’s Dependents
Mildly Troublesome Officer's Dependents From Lynn Riege: Dad was stationed at Fort Lee, Virginia in 1966. That was a beautiful army post lush, green, and hilly. The housing area was backed [...]