First Name |
Last Name |
Enter your last (or maiden) name
Married Name |
Enter current last name if different
Nickname |
Did you have a nickname?
Address |
This information will not be shown publicly. If we need to contact you we will access this info. Nothing will be sent to you from third parties.
City |
Enter the city where you live.
State |
Enter the state where you live
Country |
Enter the country code of your current address
Zip Code |
Enter your Zip Code (postal code)
Phone Area Code |
3-digit Area Code
Phone |
Your primary contact number (numbers only without - ) See example
Email |
Enter your email address (check carefully)
Email Verify |
Email2 |
Do you have a different email, in case your main email fails?
Mailing List |
do you want to receive our newsletter and occasional email announcements?
School or Base Names |
Enter one or more school or base names. Check spelling carefully!
Birthdate |
Enter your birthdate. (optional but highly recommended)
Graduation Year |
This establishes the year you graduated from high school, but not which school
Referer |
How did you hear about the Military Brats Registry
Passwd |
Enter a unique password
Captcha |
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