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Brat Search Tips:
- Names can be tricky. “Bob” will not be found by entering “Robert”, and vice-versa. However, entering “bert” will find “Bert” as well as “Robert”. You may need to be a little creative to find exactly what you are looking for.
- Years are just like names. In the “Notes” field, “42” will find “1942” and “42”. However, “1942” will not find “42”. Again, be creative and try more than one search.
- Remember that people do misspell things, and international spelling can be used in certain cases. “Harbour” is not “Harbor”… and simple typos can cause problems.
- Don’t be too vague. “Entering simply “a” would return virtually every record ever entered. This is why we limit the results to 100 at a time. Strike a balance between general and specific.
- Don’t enter too much info. When using the “Notes” input, leave off the HS, or High School when entering a school name. Simply enter “Berlin” but not “Berlin American High School” for example.
Best of luck in your Brat Search! And as always, if you have questions, contact us – we’re happy to help!