Another Wonderful Adventure
From Juanita Morrow Anspach
I think that being a Military Brat and then marrying into the military, they should give us something after putting in all that time. I figured that after being with my dad who served his 30 years, and then being with my husband for his 23 years gives me more time in the military than most military personnel. But only a Military Brat would know the meaning of living all over the world, all of the United States but two states, going to eighteen different schools before graduating (three of them in my senior year), and still became a normal, fun loving, wife, mother and all around person.
But it was a life that I would not have changed in any form. Being able to experience different cultures, places, and see things that most people won’t see in their lifetime was worth every minute of living from suitcases, never knowing where the next assignment would be; not being able to form real long lasting friendships, keeping things pretty well in boxes so you would not have to repack them, and knowing that within the next year you would be on another wonderful adventure. Now that my husband is gone and all my kids are grown and have kids of their own (and by the way, my two sons were in the military and are now retired). The adventure continues with volunteering at the military base near my home. I guess the feeling of being a “Military Brat” will always be there until I meet old St. Peter and he asks, “Where ya from little lady?” That will be one hard question to answer and I guess the best would be, “Wherever we hung our hat at the time was home”.